Story behind

New way of sharing

Every business has a story.

This one is about listening and synergy. Listening to the silent Voice behind, to the Force of living Creation and its manifestation. To connect the world of Spirit, the Source from which everything originates, with the world of manifested actions in the outer world of matter.

For us this is the way to create amazing possibilities with respect for natural rhythms and universal wisdom in new business and projects. Find a purpose, in which we can use all our best skills and gifts, so that our actions become a celebration and an honour of the subtle and wonderful Rhythms of Life. This can be the new way for Humanity to flourish as part of Creation.

When you settle down in Silence, the way will open..

BEWIT YACHTS was born from the union of the “two worlds¨ - the Nature as a base and the already used conveniences of the modern times.

It raises as an idea of bringing back the Harmony to the “big blue continent¨ - to the Oceans and the Seas. It was created as a combination of feminine perception of the living oceans and masculine entrepreneurial creativity and activity, which carries this essence to the world. One without the another in this project would not be complete. Both parts of the connection went through their own way to meet at the point you see in front of you.

The Story of Synergy


As the founder and CEO of BEWIT, Ing. Jiří Černota, has experienced many years ago the healing of his few-month-old daughter through the power of wild herbs, a decision, a vision was born. A decision to bring one day this wisdom and the power of Nature to people in its purest form and highest quality.

A successful business man, philosopher and alchemist in the service of nature. He has been involved in natural healthcare over the last two decades. In his career so far he has experience as an owner of a ‘traditional’ company, a leader of network marketing and also as an author of an educational system, which brings a new view to the ‘personal franchise’.

He had a vision to set up a business, which stands on honest and true foundations and offers a positive change to a large group of people. In his vision the business would sell high quality 100% natural products. In 2015 BEWIT was born and based in the heart of Europe, in Ostrava, Czech Republic. Its name comes from the sentence “Be With It¨, what are the words of the british philosopher, author of books with spiritual themes and traveler Paul Brunton. His writings were published in the czech language with the contribution of the founder of Bewit.

Jiří has been a vegetarian for over three decades and a vegan for almost twenty years. Walking barefoot, fasting, meditation and bathing in the cool waters of mountain streams and rivers are almost a daily part of his life. He himself lives on the slopes of the Beskydy Mountains.

Since the beginning BEWIT came to the market with the first essential oils of the highest quality. Added a laboratory for testing the purity and quality of oils from around the world, other top products and cooperation with the best. Nowadays BEWIT produces and supplies essential oils to certified therapeutic quality standards (CTEO®) and other natural unique high-vibrational products supporting a healthy life style. BEWIT customers are able to access these products through unique system called “BEWIT Personal Franchise¨ from around the world.

“BE WITH IT¨ - freely translated as “be with it - with what you truly feel from within’. Be with the Divine Power behind, the Source of all Creation. That is also the message of this project and a balanced path for humanity in Garden of the Earth.

“It is our responsibility to become better people. With better people there will be a better world.“

Ing. Jiří Černota
founder and CEO of the Company


BEWIT YACHTS was born like a vision on Island in Croatia, inspiration from a lifelong Love to the Sea.

Ing. Katarina Soleil, born in the capital of Slovakia, was raised mostly by grandparents, she spent a lot of time in nature, collecting herbs, getting water from the springs, sitting by the fire, looking at the stars, writing poems.. later working as a model, working on a TV and after graduating from the University of Economics, she worked as a journalist, testing the yachts and boats, visiting the biggest yachts exhibitions, doing interviews with Formula 1 racers, doing and writing about windsurfing.. She furnished a luxury yacht, she worked as a marketing manager for a company selling yachts. She is a mother of one amazing son.

In the following years, she held exhibitions of her own paintings, returned to the natural lifestyle in the woods, made her own natural herbal cosmetics, she published a book about living herbal food, she performed also on the stages of major health and coaching events, she gave many creative art-therapy lessons for the companies and organised workshops for people to reconnect with Nature…

After moving to the Island in Croatia in 2020, through inspiration, and thanks to a intense co-creation with BEWIT, she founded and started to work on the BEWIT YACHTS project as a tribute to the Water of Planet Earth. In September 2022 BEWIT YACHTS was born as a way to share the best of Nature, in the highest purity and holistic quality to many people all around the world, especially to those, who love the Seas and Oceans.

“The Sea told me.. and I just listened and took steps¨ - she smiles - “It’s my joy and passion, to return to the Oceans our gratitude through our real actions and behaviour change. We are One.¨

Thank you for being a part of this new story of Humanity with us.

Be wise - is caring.

“THINK SEASITIVE - Be With It - be with Love to Life¨

Ing. Katarina Soleil
Project Creator of Bewit Yachts